Placeholders and Blocks give the user more control over the information that is contained in the email. 

Placeholders are dynamic links that will populate with the relevant data from the request.  These include everything from names to dates to addresses to directions to links for adding requests to a calendar.

Blocks allow for further customization based on factors within the request.  These factors could include the appointment type or request type.  Even though these appear as codes with IF statements, they can be customized without any knowledge of coding.

An example of when a block may be used is if there is different information to be communicated with the interpreter when they accept an onsite request vs a client-hosted VRI request.  

Image Placeholder

Blocks can be nested within blocks as well.  For example, multiple Request Types can be included in an Appointment Type block.  In the above example, if the Appointment Type is On-Site, the Job Location and Location Notes are displayed.  In addition, if the Appointment Type is On-Site and the Request Type is a Medical Appearance, the Department Name, Doctor Name, and Therapist Name are also displayed.

After editing the email templates, they have be tested by clicking Preview in the listing of the email templates.  A request number and interpreter name may be entered to allow for the testing of multiple scenarios without having to create dummy appointments.