To add a new customer, select the client database from Administration - Maintain Clients.  To add a new customer, click on the plus sign in the blue circle in the lower right-hand corner of the screen.  Complete the entries in the Customer Information tab - everything with a red asterisk is required information.

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A few notes about some of the fields:

Customer Filter allows for customers to be grouped.  These groupings may be displayed and allow for filtering in the main jobs grid.  Use cases could include grouping customers by geography, by the size of the customer, the rates the customer pays, or any other useful information.  The customers can only belong to one customer filter.  Please send an email to for the creation and editing of customer filters.
The Quickbooks Name is only required if Atrium is interfacing with your agency's Quickbooks.  Please refer to other Quickbooks integration articles for more information.
The PO Number is not required, but may be entered if needed for reporting or invoicing purposes.
Atrium allows for Parent/Child relationships between customers.  This is used for invoicing and reporting purposes.  As an example, if your agency is providing services to a health system with one hospital and five outpatient clinics and one consolidated invoice will be sent to the health system, the health system would be the parent client, and the hospital and outpatient clinics would be the child clients.  When entering a parent client, check the Parent Client box.  When entering a child client, uncheck the box and begin entering the name of the parent client.  Please make sure to select the correct parent client from the drop down box as this is not a freeform text field.
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The Is Active box is checked by default.  Clients may be marked as inactive, and will not show as an available location when adding a new request.  Inactive clients are still shown for reporting and invoicing purposes.
The Consolidated QB Invoice box is checked if only the totals of the invoice will be transferred to Quicbkooks instead of each activity.
Clicking on the time zone shown will bring up a drop down to allow the selection of the correct time zone.
The Billing Contact information may be used in the creation of invoices to allow Atrium to email invoices directly to your customers.
The Insurance Company box is not checked by default.  This is used in rare cases where insurance companies may be billed directly for language services.
The Custom Field 1 and Custom Field 2 boxes are where additional information about the customer may be entered.  Entries in these boxes may be used when searching for customers in various sections of Atrium.  Please email if you would like to utilize entries in these boxes for searches.

After clicking Save, the customer is set up and ready for requests.